Friday, December 28, 2012

{Bright} side

Good Morning Ya'll. Today seems like a {so what} kind of day... So here we go.

~ So what if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and am in a horrible mood. It also doesn’t help that our company’s direct deposit didn’t go through last night. Come on we need payday after Christmas week, like Lindsay Lohan needs her meds.

~ So what if I pressed snooze 4 more times this morning and had no time to do anything with my hair so I’m wearing it in a French braid like I'm back in the 5th grade.

~ So what if I’m more excited for another 4 day weekend than I can stand.

~ So what I constantly feel like I’m going to be robbed even through I don’t have much to my name.{ I deposited cash this morning into the the ATM and couldnt help but look around like a crazy person, happens everytime}

~ So what if I didn’t tip at Starbucks this morning. I ordered oatmeal {unmade}. All they had to do is hand it to me.

~ So what if Im a Christian and still swore at a stupid driver on my way to work today. He almost caused me to die.

~ So what if I want to crawl back in bed, right now.

Okay and on to this..

the bright side is this.. Its Friday. I have a glorious 4 day weekend ahead of me including a Seahawk home game and NYE Party. I am healthy, I have a job and I will have plenty of time to sleep after 4. There it is folks. Have a good weekend! XOXO

Thursday, December 27, 2012

a time for change.

I found both of these quotes recently and fell in love.  I had fallen in love with the first one because I think it’s often times so true. I know how strong my love and loyalty for R is because I would be completely content right by his side if we had absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact we lived like we had nothing for just about a year to save money to pay off debt. There were times we were bored and wanted out of the house. There were times we felt stupid telling other people that we didn’t have the money to go out with them and yet we made it. We had to get creative, we had to learn about each other and we had to be each other’s best friend. Now that time has passed and I am so blessed to know that he is the one I want to stand next to when we have absolutely nothing.  I also feel that this quote is also true to many accounts by professional athletes and stars. So many of them get caught up with the money and the fame that they then cheat on the ones they love because other women are throwing themselves at them because of the money. Regardless it makes you think and I like that.
This quote really hit home today. I have been having a hard time at work. I am very good at my job and I have many skills. However I felt like I am not able to perform to my fullest abilities. I feel like others are scared of my success and my drive. So lately I have been getting caught up in this rather than understanding people are different and realizing what I need to do to make my own situation better. This includes gossip. I have allowed myself to be present and take place in talking about others. I don’t like myself when I become a part of this and I am better than that. I want to be the type of person you just deep down know would never say one bad thing about anyone. I have made a choice to live the life of someone I would want to meet or better yet the person I want to be.  How could you change to be a person that you would want to meet or better yet one you would want to be friends with or in a relationship with? Just another thing to think about before all of the New Year’s resolutions come up.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

a flash back of the past week.

Good Morning Ya’ll!! Sorry I’ve been on a bit of a blogging break with the holidays in full affect. So where did I leave off... Last Tuesday night I baked cookies for all our family and freinds. After R got home from work we went and hand delievered them. He thought I was crazy but we really enjoyed the time together.

Then Wednesday , I had my company Chistmas party. The party was held at Acme Bowl in Tukwilla. It’s a grown-up bowling alley and I love it.
What I wore to the work xmas party
Acme Bowl
Gift from my Boss
 The party was really a good time and luckily for me I have a generous boss who gave us some good gifts and food.  The only bummer was that the party was about a 45 min drive from work in the middle of the day (not that stopped anyone from boozing) but we all hit the afternoon traffic on the way home. It took me an hour and 20 mins to get home! Bummer. Oh and the other major bummer was it being on a Wednesday and getting up early to get my bum to work the next morning.
So then we skip ahead to the weekend!! Sunday we tailgated pretty much all day before hitting the Seahawk vs. 49er game.
There may or maynot be fireball in those ;)
Isn't he Handsome!

 Let me tell you Christmas came early!!! We killed the 49ers!! It was such a good game and my team and QB are finally getting some respect! Playoffs here we come!!

I think the face painter prefunked more than I did. {Sideways and def not right below my eye lol}
 Me and R's Cousins
 The Four of us!
 R & Me
 R, Me and Kristine (R's Cousins wife)
Monday R had to work and I literally baked all day (6 hours, no joke!) But all of the deserts came out so good that I probably gained like 10 lbs. but that’s beside the point. So here’s the roll-call of what I made...

Brownie Surprise Cupcakes

Red Velvet Cookies

Chocolate Chip Carmel Cookies

Mini Apple Pies

Reese’s Peanut Butter Brownie Truffle (to die)
Then when R got home we headed to his parents for dinner and gifts followed by driving around to see Christmas Lights. We had such a good time I love that his family all lives so close and that we get to do the typically Holiday activities with them!
 Our Nephew Julian {his first Christmas}
{This picture warms my heart}
So Wednesday we got some much needed sleep before Bentley and R opened their stockings (Yes, I have a stocking for the hubs and my fur-baby.) Then we got ready and went to R’s Cousins house for a big family Christmas dinner. We had such a great time and filled our bellies with yummy food!
 R and Jules
 Me & R
 The Family
 R & Me at Christmas Dinner
{R's Cousins wife and Me, [Love Her]}
Fast forward to this morning and we are both up early and already at work. Gosh even though it’s only a 3 day week it’s going to take forever I need more sleep and/or  weekend from my weekend! So Happy Wednesday-Monday!! And only a few more days til New Years and operation NYE Dress in full effect!!
And just a reminder anything is possible. My cousin Hope showed me this picture of myself yesterday from about 2 years ago and the right was taken this morning.
Its amazing what {-70lbs} looks like!~

Friday, December 14, 2012


30 more minutes and I am free people!! Whooo Hooo!! I can’t wait! R and I are going to a few different Christmas lighting events tonight and I can’t wait. We will go get coffee, listen to Christmas songs and drive up north! But I wanted to share another fun quote for the day..

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stay Married

As our wedding date is quickly approaching (5/17/13 in Hawaii) more stress keeps getting brought on. Last night, my grandma {who if you don’t read this blog is the next closest thing to my mom} called to say that she wasn’t going to be able to attend the wedding. I don’t have many family members. I have my mom, my sister, and my grandma on my dad’s side.  I do have a few others but we are not as close (grandma & grandpa, aunt, cousin, extended family) and they have already told me that they will not be able to make it to the wedding due to different reasons.

 So I was completely crushed when the words came out of my grandma’s mouth. I tried to be understanding until I got off the phone and fell to pieces. I then called my mom and later talked to R when he got home. After much discussion and tears {and R asking if we could pay part of the way, since its destination wedding... god I love that man.} I have come to terms and realized that it’s going to be what it will be and I don’t have full control. I am however very blessed that I will have mom to walk me down the aisle and my sister by my side. I’m also very blessed to be received into such a loving gracious family. This does not mean I’m still not taking it tough.

 I think this is hard for me because I have had an idea of what my wedding would be since I was a little girl and now as things and plans change it’s hard not to feel a little hurt that’s it’s not everything you envisioned. However, my mom said something to me last night that really hit home after thinking more about it. She said “this is about a relationship, it’s about you & R, it’s not about anyone else and it’s about the love that is between the two of you. Don’t lose focus of that.”  {Wow.. Good, Right?!} I originally decided that I had wanted a destination wedding because we wanted something small with the ones we loved the most by our sides in a beautiful place to share the special love and bond we had. That has not changed. I need to remember I am so blessed that I have found this amazing man and I can’t wait to be his wife. Even if it’s just the two of us standing there that is special.
Speaking of marriage I thought I would share this blog that I read pretty often. I love their take on things and even if you are not married they have some really good things to read and remember or share.

 Only more day to a much needed drink weekend! XOXO

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Two in One Day.. Say What?!

This quote really hit home with me because as some of you know I have been struggling with staying on track. I make excuses, give myself the easy out and don’t hold myself accountable. So a couple days ago I started the 30 day shred again and yesterday I really didn’t want to do it so I did the next best thing and Pinned workout stuff instead {that still works right?!} Then after pinning a few minutes I was ready to do the shred again. Later in the night I thought about how looking at the pictures and fitness quotes really made me work harder. Then I realized I didn’t lose my motivation like I thought, I had simply ran out. We all need to realize if it feels like you’ve lost it, maybe you just need a refill. So in that case here’s one more!


{ I'm a big girl blogger now!}

In order to accept the award there are a few rules you must follow
The Rules:
1. You must thank the person who nominated you for the award.
2. You must write eleven facts/things/tidbits about yourself.
3. You must answer eleven questions that were given to you from your nominator.
4. You must nominate eleven other bloggers who have 200 or less followers and tag them in your acceptance post.
5. You must create eleven new questions for your nominees to answer in their acceptance post.
6. You must notify your eleven nominees on their blog, so they can accept their award and pay it forward.
7. You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
8. After all of this is done, you may add the Liebster Award Button to your blog.
I NEVER Win anything.... So a BIG Thank you Ashley at Living My Dash. Ashley is a total sweetheart from Indiana who’s extremely crafty. Check out her blog for some laughs, fun and much more! I’m so happy she nominated me and my little o-blog. I started this blog as a way to keep in touch with my family out of state and found it to be so much more! So thank you to all of you that read crap on a regular basis!
My eleven facts:
1. I cannot sleep in socks. They must come off before bed.
2. I always sleep on my side I hate sleeping on my back and my small boobs are just to big to sleep on {no princess and the pea action here}
3. I’m crazy OCD. I like everything to be in a proper place and it drives me crazy when people put crap in my area at work. {Full-on bat shit crazy}
4. I say some really random shit.
5. I have moved a lot in my life. I have lived in 3 different states and 14 different homes since I was 18.
6. I cannot do a pull up and never have been able to.
7. I’m so tough on the outside yet many people don’t know how personal I take things.
8. I’m a VERY picky eater. {Seriously though, no onions, bacon {Yes I know, who doesn’t like bacon, I get asked all the time}, cream cheese, cheese cake, sour cream, and white rice {although I like sushi, I know don’t ask. LOL)
9. I have a morning routine and get very cranky if it gets messed up. {Obviously not a morning person, I can get up early just fine, I just don’t like to talk until I’m ready}
10. My Hubs still gives me butterflies
11. I am a Christian even though I have a potty mouth, I thank god daily for my life.
Ashley's 11 Q's for Me...
1. Chocolate or Vanilla? Both depending what it is but usually vanilla!
2. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? easy..Bora Bora {But unless I become Kardashian rich which I won’t because I don’t like how I look doing the ba-chick-a -woo-wooa on camera :) }
3. When it comes to eyebrows, plucking or waxing? I puck under, wax between
4. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both depending what’s going on however I really like my sleep and figure I should get as much as possible before I pop out some bambinos.
5. Dogs or cats? Dogs for Sure!! I hate cats.
6. How many tattoos do you have? 8 But you wouldn’t really know by looking at me
7. How many of the 50 states have you been to? 4 lame I know {But every year from here on out we are going to a different football stadium in a different state so I'll be to almost every state in no time ;)
8. Hot dogs or hamburgers? Hamburgers. I typically hate hotdogs unless it’s a corn dog those things are legit.
9. Are you a righty or lefty? Both my grandpa made me write with both when I was little but typically more righty at sports.
10. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? I honestly would give some to charity. But then I would go on vacation stat.
11. What is your hidden talent? I’m amazing at finding good parking spots and shopping. No for reals people tell me about something they need or are looking for and I always seem to find it. I love it.
I nominate:
2. Lindsay @UndomesticMama
4. Jess @ Mommy Mishaps
5. Trisha @ My Random Randomness
6. Mel @ 4KOTTEZ Runs It
8. Darci @ Strongly Feminine
My Eleven Questions for the girlies..
1. What is your all-time favorite food?
2. If you could live anywhere where would it be?
3. What is your dream job?
4. What is your favorite season and why?
5. What is the top thing on your bucket list?
6. What is your favorite workout?
7. Favorite song at the moment?
8. Favorite moment of your life so far?
9. Biggest regret?
10. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
11. If you could change one thing about your spouse what would it be?
Have fun girls!! And Thanks again Ashley!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Where’s my coffee?

OMG I’m dragging this morning. I seriously need a kick in the butt to get movin today {Like Julian Michaels kick.} I had such a good weekend. It all began on Friday after I got off work. I rushed home and gave the hubs his birthday gifts (I may have been more excited than him) then I took him out to dinner and desert. We may have or may not have ended up in bed at 9:00 a sleep. {Yes we are getting old, What can ya do. Not to mention since loosing so much weight this year I’m like a 2 beer wonder lol}

We then got up early on Saturday to have the In-Laws all over for lunch and a movie to celebrate R’s birthday. It was a really good time. I can’t believe how big our nephew is getting. It’s like each time we see him (weekly) he’s a new bigger baby. I love him to death but I realize how not ready I am for kids at this point in my life. Call me selfish, I call it smart.
After that we got ready and headed an hour north for my BFFs birthday shin~dig. We went to dinner then drinks and had a great time meeting some new people {And hangin with some of our old friends.} Luckily I contained myself and didn’t drink too much!
All ready to go :)

 My MOH & R
BFF & Me
Me & R

Lastly, we hit the Seahawks game on Sunday and battled the cold but I must say it was completely worth it when we killed Arizona 58 – 0!! Who does that? So it looks like we could still be in the running for the wildcard for the playoffs J Fingers crossed!!
That’s it for the weekend recap... but on to other things...

Picture a day...

5. Winter Drink... So here’s my {Work} winter drink, Peppermint Tea. Love it!! I drink it all day long! However at home, I like Fat Free Safeway Hot Chocolate &while we were in California last week we found the coolest thing ever! Its Peppermint alcohol infused whip cream!! {How amazing is that?} So Yummy!! So put some of that on your Hot Chocolate or on a Bailys and Kailua drink and you got a winner for sure.

6. Ugly Sweater.. Sorry I have to skip this one. I have never owned an ugly sweater. I went to one of those parties a few years ago and borrowed one. {I don’t have any pics because that’s when I was hiding from cameras. You know the kind of hiding like when you see someone that you had a one night stand with months later. You get the idea}

7.Hair.. I love my hair and I love that I had a good hair day on Saturday so here’s a pic of me and a longtime friend Matt

8. Fuzzy Socks/Slippers... So I hate wearing socks except fuzzy ones around the house.. And my BF (Blogging Friend) Trish got me these cute ones... and I love these grandpa slippers I’m not sure why they are the most hideous things but sooo comfy and warm!!

9.Nails – I did them all up  a week ago so it just happened to work and toes to match :)

10. Red &Green – Our customer gave us this beauty for Christmas!

Whoo hoop So I’m all caught up.. As for my planking I’m still trucking along! {Love that term} How are you girls doing at it?

Tickets to the gun show now on sale ;)

And I’m a slacker and never started really squatting but it’s okay because Trish and I are starting the 30 days shred again today and we are going to do the full 30 days and keep each other accountable. Who else wants to do it with us?! Come on it’s an easy way to keep up a routine during the cookie, horrible food, fatty drinks and holiday season.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend!! FYI only 14 days to Christmas.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Whole~Lotta Stuff..

Weekend Recap...
We went to the concert on Friday (Dom Kennedy, I know you probably don’t know who that is) and I definitely shook my butt like you wouldn’t believe. I had so much fun and it was a great show.

Then Saturday morning we woke up early went out to breakfast then made our way up the mountain to get our Christmas tree. I loved every stinkin moment of it, the coffee, the Christmas music and the way my love puts his hand on my thigh as he drives. It was perfect. We then spend the evening decorating both inside and out and I love the way it turned out.
 I decorated the Tree
 R did the lights outside for the first time!
 He did so good!

 B just lounged :)

Sunday I was able to meet up with my friend Megan and got some walking done followed by running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting all of R’s Birthday presents in order (it’s this Friday the 7th!!) And let me just say I am the worst present giver ever. I get soo excited to give people presents and especially when I know it’s something they really want, that I have a hard time not tell them. So it’s killing me that I’ve had R’s gifts for 3 weeks and haven’t been able to tell him. I just want Friday to hurry up and get here!!

On the blogging front there’s been a lot going on.  I came home from a long day at work and saw this… 
I received my Blogger swag swap gift! And let me tell you its crazy how well you would think that Trish knew me.  Even R asked and she doesn’t know you? This is like all your favorite stuff.  Yes she did THAT good J Girl did her research.  It was such a cute box she totally put my wrapping to shame lol.

 She seriously put some thought into all of this!

 Red Wine.. Seriously cant wait to try it!
 Lip Balm, My FAV Mascarra!! Its the best! and headbands in purple! I love them!!
 Fuzzy Soxs My Fav!
I can't wait to try the band for running this weekend!! & Calendar that is just the perfect size for the fridge.. She must know Im OCD when it comes to schedules!
I haden't tried these before and let me tell you.. They are heaven in a box

She was even so thoughtful that she added in items for Bentley! How sweet is that? Yes, I love her she’s like my instant BFF in a non-creepy way lol! Thanks Trish and Thanks Kassie for hosting it!

I also suggest you check out any of these three ladies (Mama, Holly & Aly) blogs this month. They are all focusing on helping those in need by posting a story a day of someone in need that you can reach out to if you feel inclined. I always like to try to remember what the holidays are really about love, family, friendship and togetherness.

Also, in the blogging world there are a ton of fitness challenges going around for December so I have gotten on board with both the planking and the squatting! Let me know of any others you may know of, I’m always interested to see what other ones are out there.

As for Weight Loss I’ve been slacking big time lately. I haven’t been really holding myself accountable and I haven’t been as focused as I usually am. I feel like the closer I get to my goal the less I feel the need to be really accountable. But today I realized my wedding dress will be here in just less than two months so it’s the right amount of pressure to really get my butt in gear. So tonight I WILL be trying Zumba and I think I’m also going to start the 30 day shred again really love that program and I really like the way that my body changes when I do it. So I’m back in full force get ready ya’ll!

Lastly I found a photo a day that I want to participate in.

So here are days 1 -4 to catch up J
1. Selfie
2. Boots
3. Pet..Bentley
4. Christmas Song
And this picture just because R sent it to me this morning and I thought you guys might like it too :) Happy Tuesday.