Monday, December 10, 2012

Where’s my coffee?

OMG I’m dragging this morning. I seriously need a kick in the butt to get movin today {Like Julian Michaels kick.} I had such a good weekend. It all began on Friday after I got off work. I rushed home and gave the hubs his birthday gifts (I may have been more excited than him) then I took him out to dinner and desert. We may have or may not have ended up in bed at 9:00 a sleep. {Yes we are getting old, What can ya do. Not to mention since loosing so much weight this year I’m like a 2 beer wonder lol}

We then got up early on Saturday to have the In-Laws all over for lunch and a movie to celebrate R’s birthday. It was a really good time. I can’t believe how big our nephew is getting. It’s like each time we see him (weekly) he’s a new bigger baby. I love him to death but I realize how not ready I am for kids at this point in my life. Call me selfish, I call it smart.
After that we got ready and headed an hour north for my BFFs birthday shin~dig. We went to dinner then drinks and had a great time meeting some new people {And hangin with some of our old friends.} Luckily I contained myself and didn’t drink too much!
All ready to go :)

 My MOH & R
BFF & Me
Me & R

Lastly, we hit the Seahawks game on Sunday and battled the cold but I must say it was completely worth it when we killed Arizona 58 – 0!! Who does that? So it looks like we could still be in the running for the wildcard for the playoffs J Fingers crossed!!
That’s it for the weekend recap... but on to other things...

Picture a day...

5. Winter Drink... So here’s my {Work} winter drink, Peppermint Tea. Love it!! I drink it all day long! However at home, I like Fat Free Safeway Hot Chocolate &while we were in California last week we found the coolest thing ever! Its Peppermint alcohol infused whip cream!! {How amazing is that?} So Yummy!! So put some of that on your Hot Chocolate or on a Bailys and Kailua drink and you got a winner for sure.

6. Ugly Sweater.. Sorry I have to skip this one. I have never owned an ugly sweater. I went to one of those parties a few years ago and borrowed one. {I don’t have any pics because that’s when I was hiding from cameras. You know the kind of hiding like when you see someone that you had a one night stand with months later. You get the idea}

7.Hair.. I love my hair and I love that I had a good hair day on Saturday so here’s a pic of me and a longtime friend Matt

8. Fuzzy Socks/Slippers... So I hate wearing socks except fuzzy ones around the house.. And my BF (Blogging Friend) Trish got me these cute ones... and I love these grandpa slippers I’m not sure why they are the most hideous things but sooo comfy and warm!!

9.Nails – I did them all up  a week ago so it just happened to work and toes to match :)

10. Red &Green – Our customer gave us this beauty for Christmas!

Whoo hoop So I’m all caught up.. As for my planking I’m still trucking along! {Love that term} How are you girls doing at it?

Tickets to the gun show now on sale ;)

And I’m a slacker and never started really squatting but it’s okay because Trish and I are starting the 30 days shred again today and we are going to do the full 30 days and keep each other accountable. Who else wants to do it with us?! Come on it’s an easy way to keep up a routine during the cookie, horrible food, fatty drinks and holiday season.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend!! FYI only 14 days to Christmas.


  1. I recently discovered your blog through various clicks on other blogs. {I love the blogging world!} I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. It's a fun award that you can learn more about through my post. Have fun with it!!!

  2. SO JEALOUS you went to the game! We stayed home and watched it, I'm dying to go to the night one on the 23rd but it's not going to happen. Have you ever tried Market Spice tea? It's from Pike Place and so good, it's my fave and then the peppermint one is 2nd :)


Let me know what you think but remember play nice ya'll