Friday, November 9, 2012

High Five Friday!!

Today I am thankful that I have a job that pays the bills. Sadly, there are a lot of unemployed or people whom don’t make enough to pay their bills. I am one of the lucky few that actually does have a good job and is actually pretty well taken care of. Yes, I definitely have one of those rude co-workers that you wish would drop off the face of the planet (2 in fact) and my job has very difficult moments, however most of my co-workers are rather amazing. I also have a great boss who’s very understanding and good guy to work for. So today I am very thankful for my job. However it is very early and that could still change today.

Yesterday was weigh- in Thursday and I realized I had forgotten to post about it.
So drum roll please…. I’m down -1.5 lbs. for the week.
While this number may not seem like much to most, I am very happy with it. It seems to me that the more weight I lose the harder it is to lose it. My first 20lbs came off with a just barely a sneeze and now I can eat right, workout daily and barely lose a pound. I think my body is holding on as strong as possible and that’s okay. It just makes me that more impressed with myself when I lose it. Even if I have to lose the last 13.5 lbs. 1lb/one week at a time I will get there and I’m honestly okay with that.

Last night, I really took a moment to think about my journey. I have been on my mission to get healthy just a little more than a year now and I have lost a total of 71.5lbs. Just think about it 71.5lbs is the weight of a 10 year old girl! I have lost a whole person. While in the beginning I was so disappointed that I had let myself get to the point of complete obese I have learned that I have amazing drive and now know I can do anything I put my mind to. I am so impressed with my will-power, strength and drive. I think that this whole experience has made me such a better person inside and out. This journey has not only been about losing weight, it has been about changing my life.  I wanted to be healthy mentally and physically. I wanted to be a person that I would want to meet; I wanted to be a person that would inspire my future children. I wanted to be a strong wife for my soon-to-be husband and I wanted to be the best me I could be. While I still have my moments, I have made so many of these changes throughout my journey so far.  My self-confidence has changed in such a big way. I feel like I am pretty girl not just a pretty face.  I feel like for once in my life I really want to live and I want to go out and try new things. I want to meet new people and I want to live every day to the fullest. Today I am proud of who I am.

Happy Friday and I hope everyone has a great weekend!! High Five :)


  1. This is a great read. You have lost a phenomenal amount of weight and should be so proud. WOW! Congrats.. and I love my job too - and am so thankful for where I am today. Happy Friday Meg!

  2. Congratulations on your loss and your overall success! Super inspiring :) I just stumbled on this blog and I totally love that you are from Seattle, WA! I lived there from the ages of 3-9 and still have some relatives and friends there!

    I can relate to your statement about changing both the inside and out! I think that's why I'e been able to keep the weight off longer than my previous attempts because I was looking for a lifestyle change!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Hi Safire! Thanks for reading and the kind words! Thats awesome that you lived in Seattle! I love it here!!

      I looked at your blog and it looks like you had been on a similar journey! I love finding peple who relate! Keep up your good work you pretty girl! And I hope you have a great week as well!!


Let me know what you think but remember play nice ya'll