Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Seriously Thank Good~ness

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching I thought I would do a daily post about what I am thankful for this year...  
This morning, I am thankful that the election is over. I’m sorry if I offend anyone but I am soooo tired of hearing all of the whom you should vote for, do your homework, horrible things about the opposing candidates and all of the other cap that comes with it. Granted, I think if you feel strongly about the person you want to run your county I do believe you should vote. Hey even tell your friends who you voted for if you want. But don’t go around screaming it like a crazy person and posting on FB about it every 5 minutes. This does nothing more than make other people think you look ridiculous smart.  I am so thankful that I live in a county that has freedom of speech and that everyone has the right to vote but I wish more people would respect the fact that not everyone has the same beliefs.  Okay, enough of all of that because I’m sure you’re all tired of my rant for the day…

I also want to note that I’m thankful for a very small treasure, red cup season. For those of you from the Pacific Northwest I don’t need to explain. However for the rest of the world, little red cup season starts the first week of November and ends after New Year’s.  It’s the official beginning of the holiday season because Starbucks switches to red cups and makes all of the high calorie packed delicious drinks for the holiday season, which includes my all-time favorite, the gingerbread latte... If you haven’t had one I insist you try it, it’s a little slice of heaven in a cup. You can thank me later! (and I know third world problems that I’m thankful for a Starbucks drink) But it was needed this morning! Hope you all have a great day!

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